Aren't these flowers pretty? They should be. They practically cost an arm and a leg!! (I just noticed that the flowers are sideways, but they are still pretty in a cockeyed way.)
I don't care how much gasoline has gone up. (Well, that's not at all true!) But that has become a standard answer to why everything is so expensive. Of course, corn--and lack of corn crops--will be a huge reason for price gouging this fall.
This week our academic teams will be grilling out as a money-maker. I had to go buy all of the food--I should be refunded, but it would be the first time!! We are doing hot dogs, hamburgers, and chicken; potato chips; pop and water. I must buy expensive food because in order to make much money, I guess I'll need to be doing a bit of price gouging also. It's for a good cause. It always seems like people will pay huge prices at a theater or a professional game, but when it comes to schools, they want cheap prices.
Before I forget it: One of the best sayings I've heard was told in church last week. The speaker said, "Do you know the ten most important two letter word? 'If it is to be, it is up to me.'" That saying is credited to someone I've never heard of and nothing is about him on Google. Isn't it great that common people can say profound words? Now if I can just get those common people to spend $2 for a hamburger!!
Glad to hear you're still going to church. And I think $2 is a good price for a burger, especially a homemade one grilled right in front of me. If we buy one, will you throw in a lesson on subordinating conjunctions?
ReplyDeleteSubordinating conjunctions--my favorite!! Quick lesson--if you delete the subordinating conjunctions, you've got a complete sentence. The subordinating conj. zaps the power away from the independent clause. Therefore, the words depend on a complete sentence to carry it along.
ReplyDeleteBecause you are nice. Delete because. Now you have a complete sentence. Leave that enery zapper on there and the clause depends on another sentence to carry it.
Because you are nice, I gladly gave you this lesson.