Temperatures seldom are right. It's either too cold or too hot. Now that it's winter, I can't seem to get warm enough--unless I do housework and that's the last choice I usually make. I think the temperature did get into the 20's today. It wasn't much warmer in my classroom.
Silly me. I didn't put my coat on when I left the house today for work. My coat was in the car, but I thought I could make it a mile without being too cold. I rushed from the car to the door, and I felt the warmth from the hallway. Great!! Then I went to my classroom. The Arctic cold blast stopped my in my tracks. I thought, They have kept the rooms cold because of the days out; therefore, at 7:00 the heat would come on. It was about 58 degrees, and it didn't get any warmer while I prepared for the day. At 7:30 I called the custodian--no answer. I called the principal--he'd get hold of someone soon, but everyone was outside clearing snow. The kids came in, saying, "Why's it so cold?" I said, "Because it's January." The temperature did go up to 62 degrees as a high for today.
The custodian finally came at 12:45. He said, "You've got heat, but it's not blowing out. I can't find what's wrong." I said, "It's broken." He said, "Yeh. There's good news and bad news. The grade school's hot water heater went out. The repairman who works on that is at the grade school right now. The good news, he also works on these systems in your room. The bad news is that it might take a while for parts."
Now, here's the really bad news. The custodian didn't know why it was broken. The repairman never came to my room to analyze the problem. How can he order something he doesn't know is needed? I'm thinking tomorrow might be double sweater day.
The librarian walked by late this afternoon with a "One hundred day" button. The kindergarteners are celebrating being in school for one hundred days. Maybe I need to get buttons to wear to say how many days my class has gone without heat. Or I could look at it like in one hundred more days I'll be hot and wish I had some of this cold room temperature back.