Only a few people know that I have a blog. They don't check it very often because I don't write much. For some reason I looked at my own entry from earlier this week. Wow! What a grammatical error staring right at me. After commenting about an error to a fellow blogger, I am surprised she didn't slam me a good one. Karma can be a b*tch!!
Today I told a fellow worker how awful his sister-in-law looked. I did start off by saying I had
no reason to talk, but I don't ever seem to know when to stop. I even commented on his nephews. Thankfully, this particular worker is a friend, or least he used to be, and on top of that, he calls his brother estranged. I guess I let loose because years ago that sister-in-law was sort of nasty to me. I wonder what Karma will have in store for me now.